Malyalam translation of the original commentary in English
The Holy Geeta, or the Song Celestial, is a dialogue between the Lord and a man of action set amidst the din and roar of the war. The good and evil forces within are represented in the battlefield of life.
Man often finds himself in a crisis, wherein he is psychologically unable to cope with the situation at hand, or even decide the right course of action. In this inner turmoil, there is a great battle between the positive and negative inclinations.
The Holy Geeta portrays this great spiritual struggle with man and guides him towards his inherent divinity and positivity. In doing so, the Celestial Song explains the nature of man, his purpose in the world and the means for him to attain his goals. In short, it is a COMPLETE MANUAL for achieving success in life
Malyalam translation of the original commentary in English
The Holy Geeta, or the Song Celestial, is a dialogue between the Lord and a man of action set amidst the din and roar of the war. The good and evil forces within are represented in the battlefield of life.
Man often finds himself in a crisis, wherein he is psychologically unable to cope with the situation at hand, or even decide the right course of action. In this inner turmoil, there is a great battle between the positive and negative inclinations.
The Holy Geeta portrays this great spiritual struggle with man and guides him towards his inherent divinity and positivity. In doing so, the Celestial Song explains the nature of man, his purpose in the world and the means for him to attain his goals. In short, it is a COMPLETE MANUAL for achieving success in life